Thursday, November 17, 2011

The New Dawn: A Meditation

art by Chris Koelle
from the ground breaking Book of Revelation App

I closed my eyes. I stilled my mind. I felt His Spirit on me: becoming the body electric. My eyes broke open and the poison of the world spilled out as I praised him for his grace and mercy; that despite my nature he grants me the pleasure of His glance, a hint of His smile and the warmth of His embrace. The body melts as my soul unfurls and catches the Spirit's breath, sailing me through the fabric of space. On a sea of tears I go, beyond the stars into a new dawn. Into the raising Son, the living heart of God.

Let all those that seeke thee, reioyce and bee glad in thee: let such as loue thy saluation, say continually, The Lord be magnified. But I am poore and needy, yet the Lord thinketh vpon me: thou art my helpe and my deliuerer, make no tarrying, O my God.


If you enjoyed the illustration used, please visit Chris' etsy site and browse his other prints. They are affordable and make great gifts! Or, you can collect them, like myself. I encourage every reader who was moved by what they saw here to consider supporting this independent artist financially so he can be free to continue bringing us the fruit of his spirit.

"RevelationApp: Chris Koelle - All in a Day's Work"

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