Introduction: Analysis of Team Jacob

Historical Were-ism
Stories of were-ism or animal transformation can be found in almost every culture spanning continents across time. This rules out cultural cross contamination and points more to the fact that this phenomena is innate in all human beings. To be fair, I do realize that hunter-gatherer and horticultural social orientations have traditions where they take on aspects of the animal.

I do not have a problem with representing affinity with animal traits that are necessary in the context of tribal survival, or paying respect through ritual and dance - and admitting that does not mean that I necessarily endorse it either. There is a higher truth that orders over, but yet incorporates nature; it is not advisable to worship nature itself as nature is also created, withers and will die.
For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. (Romans 1:19-20)
For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus. (Romans 2:14)
Formerly, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to those that by nature are not gods. But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world, whose slaves you want to be once more? (Galatians 4:8-9)
He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high. (Hebrews 1:3)

Regardless, it is not the positive aspects of animal symbolism that are actively promoted in our culture, it is the darkness.

I also want to point out that these tribal traditions also speak to the dark side of animal metamorphosis, and the lack of balance in representing indigenous culture by their western fetishists is alarming as it paints a false reality and debases the culture they lift up as beacons of wisdom. However, because we live in the age of Western Imposition it is critical to understand the roots of Western conceptions of were-ism; which is overwhelmingly dark, unlike its indigenous counterpart that has some redeeming qualities.
Tracing the Myth through Time

Excerpt taken from Book I:199-243

"When the noise had subsided, quieted by his royal authority, Jupiter again broke the silence with these words: ‘Have no fear, he has indeed been punished, but I will tell you his crime, and what the penalty was. News of these evil times had reached my ears. Hoping it false I left Olympus’s heights, and travelled the earth, a god in human form. It would take too long to tell what wickedness I found everywhere. Those rumors were even milder than the truth. I had crossed Maenala, those mountains bristling with wild beasts’ lairs, Cyllene, and the pinewoods of chill Lycaeus. Then, as the last shadows gave way to night, I entered the inhospitable house of the Arcadian king. I gave them signs that a god had come, and the people began to worship me. At first Lycaon ridiculed their piety, then exclaimed ‘I will prove by a straightforward test whether he is a god or a mortal. The truth will not be in doubt.’
"He planned to destroy me in the depths of sleep, unexpectedly, by night. That is how he resolved to prove the truth. Not satisfied with this he took a hostage sent by the Molossi, opened his throat with a knife, and made some of the still warm limbs tender in seething water, roasting others in the fire. No sooner were these placed on the table than I brought the roof down on the household gods, with my avenging flames, those gods worthy of such a master.

He was a wolf, but kept some vestige of his former shape. There were the same grey hairs, the same violent face, the same glittering eyes, the same savage image."
There are several biblical stories that are contained within this myth:
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William Blake's Nebuchadnezzar transformation |
2. The world becoming corrupt and the Flood: Genesis 6
3. The appearance of God to Abraham and destruction of Sodom: Genesis 18
4. The transformation of Nebuchadnezzar into an animal: Daniel 4:28-33
Since Ovid wrote well after the Old Testament it is unclear to what degree Judaism influenced the creation story, but in the New Testament Paul certainly makes the correlation and highlights specifically the fact that Romans paid tribute to the Unknown God of Ovid's Metamorphosis and attempts to reveals that God to them:
So Paul, standing in the midst of the Areopagus, said: “Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious. For as I passed along and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription, ‘To the unknown god.’ What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you. The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, for “ ‘In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your own poets have said, “ ‘For we are indeed his offspring.’ Being then God's offspring, we ought not to think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and imagination of man. The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.” (Acts 17:22-31)
Another ancient document, 'The Natural History' by Pliny the Elder, published circa 77-79 A.D, makes a reference to the history of the Versipellis, known today as the werewolf. Pliny was incredulous about the existence of the werewolf, which is strange because he seems to believe in other fantastic creatures without batting an eye. Regardless of his skepticism he does give the traditional history which is essentially a recapitulation of Ovid's account:
Excerpt from The Natural History: Chapter. 34. (22.)—WOLVES; THE ORIGIN OF THE STORY OF VERSIPELLIS:
"That men have been turned into wolves, and again restored to their original form, we must confidently look upon as untrue, unless, indeed, we are ready to believe all the tales, which, for so many ages, have been found to be fabulous. But, as the belief of it has become so firmly fixed in the minds of the common people, as to have caused the term "Versipellis" to be used as a common form of imprecation, I will here point out its origin. Euanthes, a Grecian author of no mean reputation, informs us that the Arcadians assert that a member of the family of one Anthus is chosen by lot, and then taken to a certain lake in that district, where, after suspending his clothes on an oak, he swims across the water and goes away into the desert, where he is changed into a wolf and associates with other animals of the same species for a space of nine years. If he has kept himself from beholding a man during the whole of that time, he returns to the same lake, and, after swimming across it, resumes his original form, only with the addition of nine years in age to his former appearance. To this Fabius adds, that he takes his former clothes as well. It is really wonderful to what a length the credulity of the Greeks will go! There is no falsehood, if ever so barefaced, to which some of them cannot be found to bear testimony.
Luciferian Connections
It is also interesting to note at this time that Ovid died in exile, circa 17 A.D., in an area that is now known as Romania, which also happens to be where many of the tales of werewolves and vampires of modern lore are centralized. The Romanian government renamed a town of Canara to Ovidiu in his honor. Romania is also the territory that Prince Charles, of the House Windsor (founded 17 July 1917 by King George the V, in order to obscure their German ancestry), has recently laid claim, via blood linage, to Count Vlad Dracul (the dragon), the father of Vlad the Impaler. I will flesh out the significance of this later. Though I cannot resist mentioning that Prince Charles also has a passion for the Carpathian Mountains, which brings to mind Nicolae Carpathia who is the Anti-Christ of the famed 'Left Behind Series'.
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Nicolae and Jean |

We also see Nicolae and The Carpathian Mountains resurface in connection to a modern day sorcerer King; Jean-Bédel Bokassa who was a friend and ally of Nicolae Ceausescu, a Romanian politician who built a powerful cult of personality and had such titles as "Geniul din Carpați" which translates to "The Genius of the Carpathians". Jean-Bédel Bokassa was also accused of cannibalism.
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William Blake's Saturn |
At first glace it is unclear why I mention this as significant until one knows that luciferians through history equivocate Jupiter/Saturn with Lucifer. In Arthur C. Clarke's 2010 you see this quite plainly, as he is a Luciferian of the highest caliber and one must always look at his work through this lens to really understand it:
The book ends with a brief epilogue, which takes place in AD 20,001. By this time, the Europans have evolved into a species that has developed a primitive civilization, most likely with assistance from a monolith. They are not described in detail, though they are said to have "tendril"-like limbs. They regard the star Lucifer (formerly the planet Jupiter) as their primary Sun, referring to ours as "The Cold Sun". Though their settlements are concentrated primarily in the hemisphere of Europa which is constantly bathed in Lucifer's rays, some Europans have begun in recent generations to explore the Farside, the hemisphere facing away from Lucifer, which is still covered in ice. There they may witness the spectacle of night, unknown on the other side of Europa, when the Cold Sun sets. The Europans who explore the Farside have been carefully observing the night sky and have begun to develop a mythology based on their observations. They correctly believe that Lucifer was not always there. They believe that the Cold Sun was its brother and was condemned to march around the sky for a crime. The Europans also see three other major bodies in the sky. One seems to be constantly engulfed in fire, and the other two have lights on them which are gradually spreading. These three bodies are the moons Io, Callisto, and Ganymede, the latter two of which are presently being colonized by humans.


This synopsis becomes even more chilling when one understands that Europa (Europe) is an ancient Phoenician Goddess depicted as a woman riding a bull, or a beast. Though not called Europa in The Book of Revelation, we do see a picture of a woman riding a beast, and typically a woman can by a symbol of a country/region:

But the angel said to me, “Why do you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast with seven heads and ten horns that carries her. The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to rise from the bottomless pit and go to destruction. And the dwellers on earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world will marvel to see the beast, because it was and is not and is to come. This calls for a mind with wisdom: the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman is seated; they are also seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come, and when he does come he must remain only a little while. (Revelation 17:7-10 ESV)
Renaissance of the Wolf
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Simeon, King of Bulgarians |
Vseslav the prince judged men; as prince, he ruled towns; but at night he prowled in the guise of a wolf. From Kiev, prowling, he reached, before the cocks [crew], Tmutorokan. The path of Great Hors, as a wolf, prowling, he crossed...
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Prince Vselav Coin with Wolf |
1521 - Pierre Burgot:
1572 - Gilles Garnier, the hermit of Dole:
1589 - Peter Stubbe - "Werewolf of Bedburg":
In 1589, Stumpp had one of the most lurid and famous werewolf trials in history. After being stretched on the rack, but before actual torture commenced, he confessed to having practiced black magic since he was twelve years old. He claimed that the Devil had given him a magical girdle, which enabled him to metamorphose into "the likeness of a greedy, devouring wolf, strong and mighty, with eyes great and large, which in the night sparkled like fire, a mouth great and wide, with most sharp and cruel teeth, a huge body, and mighty paws." Removing his belt, he said, made him transform back to his human form.
For twenty-five years, Stumpp had allegedly been an "insatiable bloodsucker" who gorged on the flesh of goats, lambs, and sheep, as well as men, women, and children. Being threatened with torture he confessed to killing and eating fourteen children, two pregnant women, and their fetuses. One of the fourteen children was his own son, whose brain he was reported to have devoured. Not only was Stumpp accused of being a serial murderer and cannibal, but also of having an incestuous relationship with his daughter, who was sentenced to die with him, and he coupled with a distant relative, which was also considered to be incestuous according to the law. In addition to this he confessed to having had intercourse with a succubus sent to him by the Devil.
1598 - Jacques Roulet:
Again in 1598, a year memorable in the annals of lycanthropy, a trial took place in Angers, the details of which are very terrible. In a wild and unfrequented spot near Caude, some countrymen came one day upon the corpse of a boy of fifteen, horribly mutilated and bespattered with blood. As the men approached, two wolves, which had been rending the body, bounded away into the thicket. The men gave chase immediately, following their bloody tracks till they lost them; when suddenly crouching among the bushes, his teeth chattering with fear, they found a man half naked, with long hair and beard, and with his hands dyed in blood. His nails were long as claws, and were clotted with fresh gore, and shreds of human flesh.

"What is your name, and what your estate?" asked the judge, Pierre Hérault.
"My name is Jacques Roulet, my age thirty-five; I am poor, and a mendicant."
"What are you accused of having done?"
"Of being a thief--of having offended God. My parents gave me an ointment; I do not know its composition."
"When rubbed with this ointment do you become a wolf?"
"No; but for all that, I killed and ate the child Cornier: I was a wolf."
"Were you dressed as a wolf?"
"I was dressed as I am now. I had my hands and my face bloody, because I had been eating the flesh of the said child."
"Do your hands and feet become paws of a wolf?"
"Yes, they do."
"Does your head become like that of a wolf-your mouth become larger?"
"I do not know how my head was at the time; I used my teeth; my head was as it is to-day. I have wounded and eaten many other little children; I have also been to the sabbath."
The lieutenant sentenced Roulet to death. He, however, appealed to the Parliament at Paris; and this decided that as there was more folly in the poor idiot than malice and witchcraft, his sentence of death should be commuted to two years' imprisonment in a madhouse, that he might be instructed in the knowledge of God, whom he had forgotten in his utter poverty.
While all these accounts can be contested, and are contested by modern witches, claiming that many of these confessions were given under extreme torture and are unreliable because they were giving the tortures what they wanted to hear; fantastic tales of demons, Satan and magical transformation. As to the actual victims? They were more than likely killed by a wild animal and not a person. While I admit that this may be the case, I wonder why are they typically women and children? If it is animal attack we should see at least the elderly, or infirm among the victims, but there is no case of were-ism during this time that substantiates that. There is a very specific demographic involved here. However, these are not the only cases we see where violence is afflicted on women and children in particular. There is another famous account, and while the perpetrators of the crime did not transform, they were fueled by occult practices.
Gilles de Rais, 1404–1440:
A member of the House of Montmorency-Laval, Gilles de Rais grew up under the tutelage of his maternal grandfather and increased his fortune by marriage. Following the War of the Breton Succession, he earned the favor of the Duke and was admitted to the French court. From 1427 to 1435, Gilles served as a commander in the Royal Army, and fought alongside Joan of Arc against the English and their Burgundian allies during the Hundred Years' War, for which he was appointed Marshal of France.
In 1434/5, he retired from military life, depleted his wealth by staging an extravagant theatrical spectacle of his own composition and dabbled in the occult. After 1432 Gilles engaged in a series of child murders, his victims possibly numbering in the hundreds. The killings came to an end in 1440 when a violent dispute with a clergyman led to an ecclesiastical investigation which brought Gilles' crimes to light. At his trial the parents of missing children in the surrounding area and Gilles' own confederates in crime testified against him. Gilles was condemned to death and hanged at Nantes on 26 October 1440.

In 1438, according to testimony at his trial from the priest Eustache Blanchet and the cleric François Prelati, de Rais sent out Blanchet to seek individuals who know alchemy and demon summoning. Blanchet contacted Prelati in Florence and convinced him to take service with his master. Having reviewed the magical books of Prelati and a traveling Breton, De Rais chose to initiate experiments, the first being in the lower hall of his castle at Tiffauges, to summon a demon named Barron. de Rais provided a contract with the demon for riches that Prelati was to give to the demon at a later time.

[The boy] was pampered and dressed in better clothes than he had ever known. The evening began with a large meal and heavy drinking, particularly hippocras, which acted as a stimulant. The boy was then taken to an upper room to which only Gilles and his immediate circle were admitted. There he was confronted with the true nature of his situation. The shock thus produced on the boy was an initial source of pleasure for Gilles.

Gilles' body servant Étienne Corrillaut, known as Poitou, was an accomplice in many of the crimes and testified that his master hung his victims with ropes from a hook to prevent the child from crying out, then masturbated upon the child's belly or thighs. Taking the victim down, Rais comforted the child and assured him he only wanted to play with him. Gilles then either killed the child himself or had the child killed by his cousin Gilles de Sillé, Poitou or another body servant called Henriet. The victims were killed by decapitation, cutting of their throats, dismemberment, or breaking of their necks with a stick. A short, thick, double-edged sword called a braquemard was kept at hand for the murders. Poitou further testified that Rais sometimes abused the victims (whether boys or girls) before wounding them and at other times after the victim had been slashed in the throat or decapitated. According to Poitou, Rais disdained the victim's sexual organs, and took "infinitely more pleasure in debauching himself in this manner ... than in using their natural orifice, in the normal manner."

I could go on as there are many accounts of these types of cases that span history and if the reader wants to explore that more on their own they will find a similar pattern during this time. Though not particularly related to this project, I do want to mention that while researching the history of this I could not help but stumble on more famous examples of brutality; Nero, Tiberius, and most notably, Caligula. Of course, Caligula was eventually executed by his own inner circle after a 4 year reign of terror, but I took note that there is virtually no response from the religious or spiritual establishment regarding his, or any Emperor's behavior at all. During the age of the Church we do see the rot exposed, so the Church became a counter balance to the kind of perversions that power and lack of restraint are capable of producing. It is a Jesus stated:
“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet." (Matthew 5:13 ESV)
Salt was valuable because of its preservative qualities. It is not necessarily just that it makes one thirsty, which is the modern popular interpretation (though I think its valid, and interesting), but its real value at this time was that it stopped corruption so meat (the flesh) could be kept for longer periods of time. I believe the corruption was not just political, economic and social, but spiritual. We also see an interesting example of this in Genesis:
"And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth." (Genesis 6:12 ESV)
This was a time before the revelation of the Christ when there was only a glimmer of the Gospel encoded into nature and within the protoevangelium. The reason I note this as important is because if we look at most major civilizations we see the corrupt state of those in power, as the law (the restrainer) has no power over them and they are able to act unrestrained. The ethics of our age, that so many take for granted, is a Grace of God because true evil has not been known like the time of Genesis where the corruption of the flesh was total and complete. To a large degree it has been restrained, and I believe supernaturally by the Spirit of God:
"For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way." (2 Thessalonians 2:7 ESV)
We also see this promised by Jesus:
"Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment: concerning sin, because they do not believe in me; concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father, and you will see me no longer; concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged." (John 16:7-11 ESV)
Is this to say the "Church" is exempt from corruption and perversion? Hardly! It is never wise to quickly aggregate something as dynamic and fluid as 'the social' into static blocks or categories. That is simply laziness. Jesus also warns us of this truth MANY times, and for this particular post I think the wolves in sheep's clothing is apt:
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." (Matthew 7:15 ESV)
...or the Birds that come to pick the seed of the Gospel out of the hearts of men:
“A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell along the path and was trampled underfoot, and the birds of the air devoured it." (Luke 8:5 ESV)
Jesus explains this in particular:

If Jesus uses the example of Birds in place the Devil, I cannot help but think of the parable of the mustard seed:
"He put another parable before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches." He told them another parable. “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measure of flour, till it was all leavened." (Matthew 13:31-33 ESV)

I wonder if these parables are warnings. One would not think so, and again, I think there are wonderful examples that people can bring through these parables, but given that in the parable of the sower the bird is equivocated with the devil, followed by a parable of a woman who hid leaven in flour, indicating a sneak who intentionally ruined the bread over time, it is more than likely a warning, or perhaps giving us a condition of the future church. Leaven was a symbol of sin, and I do not think Jesus would have changed that given his observance of the Law and especially Passover (a highly prophetical ritual) where you eat un-leavened bread. It was also used as an allegory for his crucifixion and communion, as he was the sinless one. I also find the word association between these parables very telling. If you notice in the parable of the sower, as the seed was sowed it fell along the path and was trampled underfoot then eaten by the birds. We also see the same language used as the eventual fate of the salt:
“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet."
We do see a prophecy within the parables of the New Testament about the Church that's not too positive and given that we have nothing but history to view the Church, it is an apt description too. For isn't it exactly what has happened in our age, the Salt has lost its Saltiness, largely in part of the representation of the Church by its own practitioners. It is these events, the Witch Trials and Spanish Inquisitions, that are pointed to as the most barbaric bloodletting at the hands of the Church in history. And that's largely true, to a degree. Not every person accused of were-ism was burnt at the stake, but committed as insane, as in the case of Jacques Roulet. Also, not everyone who practiced the occult was burned at the stake. Certainly there were political assassination by accusation, people who wanted their neighbors property and others who were simply opportunistic sadists that rode the crimson wave to satiate their perverse desires. But, upon closer inspection, there is more going on than just simply 'The Church gone wild'. Despite what we have been taught and feel we know without a doubt to be true, there is a secret history we have not been told about that frames these events within a larger context. The truth is that we largely see the practice of the occult coming out of the Aristocracy or land owning lords, while the peasants, un-propertied, unrepresented and uneducated are burned at the stake.
The Hidden History of the Witch Trials
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....a doctrine which is everywhere the same and everywhere carefully concealed.... |

This tradition was continued by others, such as John Dee, consultant to Queen Elizabeth I (daughter of Henry VIII) and the one who, through astrology, picked the date of her coronation. We also see this with Eliphas Levi, who was not a Jew, but a pseudonym used in order to give his writing on magik more 'umph'. He also influenced The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which gave us such wonderful characters such as Aliester Crowley. In the opening lines of his work, 'Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual', he tells us the truth:
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Eliphas Levi |
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Jannes and Jambres with Moses |
Portrait of Elizabeth holding serpent, that was covered up to look like flowers until recently. |
The beginning of the witch trials seems to have started around 1184 A.D. as a response to the rise of Christianity's old friend Gnosticism, in the form of Catharism. Many of the old ideas from antiquity survived and thrived after the Crusades, of which many of the crusaders were French. Not only do we see a mysterious explosion of Gothic architecture, without predecessor in France, but an explosion of Gnostic ideas and practices around this time. There was a power imbalance that lead to the expulsion of the Knights Templar (Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon), who was headquartered out of Jerusalem and had gained land, money and influence with Rome. They had outposts and buildings all throughout Europe and Ethiopia. On Friday, October 13, 1307, the orders were given to take them out. They were tortured and burned at the stake. This is where we get the cultural phenomenon of Friday the 13th being an evil, or unlucky day. This should be a telling sign of who actually won the day, as today it is celebrated by the depiction of a killer of children. A faceless man who is killed and continually resurrects. The Templars were eventually disbanded in 1312 and driven underground.
The reason the Templars is of the utmost importance is because much of the magical systems we see coming from the advisers to Kings are perversion of Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism that dates back to King Solomon, from whom the order hails. The resurgence of Kabbalah, and Gnosticism, transition of architecture and banking in the medieval period has the finger prints of the Templars, who were driven underground. The order survived, infiltrated the halls of power and under their guidance unleashed the horrors of the Witch Trials on the public, while they were allowed to practice sorcery unscathed. Human sacrifice is an intrinsic practice of the occult/nature worship, and though I have not done an exhaustive study, I would not be surprised if many of the decrees outlawing sorcery were executed on important occult holidays. I also find it ironic and sickening that Henry VIII's Act of 1542 was the first to define witchcraft as a felony, a crime punishable by death. It was forbidden to:
... use devise practise or exercise, or cause to be devysed practised or exercised, any Invovacons or cojuracons of Sprites witchecraftes enchauntementes or sorceries to thentent to fynde money or treasure or to waste consume or destroy any persone in his bodie membres, or to pvoke [provoke] any persone to unlawfull love, or for any other unlawfull intente or purpose ... or for dispite of Cryste, or for lucre of money, dygge up or pull downe any Crosse or Crosses or by such Invovacons or cojuracons of Sprites witchecraftes enchauntementes or sorceries or any of them take upon them to tell or declare where goodes stollen or lost shall become ...
Either (a) the more involved he became with the inner circles of power, saw first hand that in fact sorcery as he understood it did exist, blew the whistle and the subsequent carnage of his work was honestly unintended. Or (b) he was fully aware of what he was doing and in fact goading the Church and intentionally fanned the flames of witch hunts to keep scrutiny off the aristocracy and hidden fraternal orders, which were made up of the economic, philosophic and scientific elite of their day. I am leaning toward the latter because the more you get into his later work you see kabbalistic tendencies and sympathies. In his work Six Books of the Commonwealth, Bodin makes an argument in Book III, Chapter VII: "Concerning corporate associations, guilds, estates, and communities", defending the Templars and essentially praising their ability to govern through corporations, colleges, communities, and societies. And interestingly, their ability to overthrow governments. Europe, with a relatively small population, came to rule the globe through these vehicles shortly after this publication.
The gain of this deception is multi-fold. It trods the seed of The Gospel under the foot of men so the fruit of the spirit is sparsely expressed during this age, while creating a blood soaked soil for a different kind of seed that has fully taken root and blossomed; secular humanism. There was an estimated 40,000-60,000 deaths related to the crimes of witchcraft and were-ism. The passive observer assumes that these deaths were the fault of religious ignorance, and that is partly true if one does not fully realize the level of deception and duplicity in the ruling class, and certainly if they knew who their adviser were. The thousands of deaths were, to the degree one realizes the depth of 'the art', a sacrifice in order to birth the spirit of an age. It is a farce of the early Church, which was seeded by the blood of the martyrs. Many of the victims were executed and tortured in similar ways as the early Christians. It is also retribution for the death and eradication of the Templar's at the hands of Christendom. In its place a system has emerged that has taken millions upon millions of lives, unceasingly and without mercy since. It has removed all restraint and gives us a justification and rationale for our participation of slaughter by way of bureaucracy. Hannah Ardent would call this process 'The Banality of Evil'. It also helped to fuel the anti-Semitism and persecution of the Jews throughout Europe. Much of the magical symbolism was appropriated from The Kabbalah by men who were not Jews. Regardless of this fact, many Jews suffered terribly when Spain undertook its own inquisition, which did not directly target at the Occult, but the Jews. The movement really gained steamed around 1480 and laid waste many thousands of lives. European anti-Semitism continues to this day.
The Spirit of the Law
Given all I've said, I do have to point out that there is scriptural precedent in The Bible about putting to death practitioners of the dark arts. It states quite plainly:
“You shall not permit a sorceress to live." (Exodus 22:18 ESV)
Being largely a book of Law, it's more clearly defined here:
“When you come into the land that the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD. And because of these abominations the LORD your God is driving them out before you. You shall be blameless before the LORD your God, for these nations, which you are about to dispossess, listen to fortune-tellers and to diviners. But as for you, the LORD your God has not allowed you to do this." (Deuteronomy 18:9-14 ESV)

Certainly, there's the Wicked Witch of the East, but by and large we have shows like Bewitched, I Dream of Genie, Charmed, et cetera, that paint them in a different light.
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Its morality is very gnostic. |
About 4 minutes in, former (now saved) General Butt-Naked gives a testimony about his experiences; the human sacrifice (particularly children) and his indoctrination process.
I could certainly continue with this exercise for a long time because it's cross cultural/continental. True sorcery and necromancy is never pretty. The Bible is not talking about our garden variety goth or wiccan; they are simply deceived. It is speaking to the nature of the crimes listed above, which are found among the druids and other nature worshipers the world over throughout history. Also, it was not enough to just accuse someone of sorcery, as often happened in the Witch Hunts, but the claims had to be investigated diligently and substantiated by two or three witnesses:
“If there is found among you, within any of your towns that the LORD your God is giving you, a man or woman who does what is evil in the sight of the LORD your God, in transgressing his covenant, and has gone and served other gods and worshiped them, or the sun or the moon or any of the host of heaven, which I have forbidden, and it is told you and you hear of it, then you shall inquire diligently, and if it is true and certain that such an abomination has been done in Israel, then you shall bring out to your gates that man or woman who has done this evil thing, and you shall stone that man or woman to death with stones. On the evidence of two witnesses or of three witnesses the one who is to die shall be put to death; a person shall not be put to death on the evidence of one witness. The hand of the witnesses shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people. So you shall purge the evil from your midst." (Deuteronomy 17:2-7 ESV)

Come to terms quickly with your accuser while you are going with him to court, lest your accuser hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the guard, and you be put in prison. (Matthew 5:25 ESV)
Now, I must point out that since a biblical justification was given for the atrocities of the Witch Hunt it is shocking that the whole of the law was not applied. In fact, it was advisers to the Kings and Queens who helped form these decrees that were the real occultists and published their works in order to further an agenda I doubt they could clearly see or even fully understand. The decrees were justified by sensationalizing horrific killers that have always existed through history, across economic boundaries, by transforming them into caricatures of werewolves. We have an admonishment and warning in 2 Timothy that, if incorporated into a larger framework, would have save a lot of lives and altered the course of history:
Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honorable use, some for dishonorable. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.
So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will. (2 Timothy 2:14-26 ESV)
The Trance-Formation of Man
When looking at the end of the passage from 2 Timothy there's an inference that though people are responsible for their actions the worldview, or 'spirit of the age' was a driver behind those actions. Not everyone suddenly goes out and does something totally nuts, those actions are the culmination of many choices, decisions and events that happen in a life. This is why we are urged to pursue the things of righteousness and practice faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. Those that do not practice those things, but their opposites, increasingly succumb to the power of the prince of the air:
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. (2 Timothy 3:2-5 ESV)
We are given specific warnings about the state of individuals as the days march ever closer to the time where the fullness of sin is reached. It is the final moments before the judgments are poured back onto the Earth that are typically known as the 'Last Days'. I would argue the last days started at the fall of creation as the world has always had difficulty, but as we march toward the fullness of sin, the characteristics listed above, though always present, will be endemic of society across the world. This is certainly evident today, and it's global. In fact, many of the characteristics listed are encouraged! Some look at the past 100 years and wonder how things turned so quickly. It didn't happen quickly, again, seeds were planted long ago, watered by the blood of innocents slain by western leaders who opened themselves to the imps, much like the small figure around Cesar Augusts' feet, who are unseen, unknown little figures who direct the leader subtly and carefully. These advisors answer to a different master and carry out his will:
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Lower Right Leg: Power and Principality |
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12 ESV)

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44 ESV)
What I find interesting is that during the medieval period, before the witch trials, is the rapid rise of religious architecture of mind boggling design without a known prototype. The reason I point this out is because, though seemingly christian, many people barely take note of the grisly creatures found on so many of the temples and cathedrals, or if they do notice, think they allegories warning us about demons and devils. That is true, to an extent. Many of the cathedrals and temples display busts of demons from the Goetia, or The Lesser Key of Solomon. In some cases all 72 demons are represented on these cathedrals without displaying a single crucifix.
The public thought they were churches, but in fact, they were temples dedicated to demons where black masses were held. I know this sounds radical, but evidence is stacked against any notion that these places were churches of a Christian origin.
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Far Right Below: Bust of the Demon Pazuzu, of famed Exorcist | Far Right Top: Bust of Pazuzu in Cathedral |
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Order of Assassins: The Templars. We see this live on through games like Assassins Creed, which is fully loaded with occult and luciferian ideology |
This was also captured in the movie adaptation of Umberto Eco's Novel, "In the Name of the Rose". Umberto also wrote Foucault's Pendulum which deals with similar alternative renaissance history. There is a scene where the novice monk (a son of a powerful land owner), Christian Slater, is baffled and terrified when he stumbles on the images at the monastery he was staying. Again, ALL of the busts and carvings are from the Goetia. There is also another monk of a Satanic Order (Templar Assassin's), played by Ron Pearlman, who was later burned at the stake. If you haven't seen the movie, he does do a satanic ceremony and he comes from an order of political assassins that uses a framework of socialist rhetoric. They make him seem like an idiot, but if you listen carefully you will hear him speak multiple languages fluently and reconstructed together coherently. He bows and kisses the robe of the monk in White (The White/Black dualism), who is the new order of the enlightenment, played by Sean Connery.
Though I do not agree with his conclusions, Chris Everard has done an excellent job of exposing the true nature of many of these building. Also, Graham Hancock's Sign and the Seal: The Quest for the Lost Ark of the Covenant, Chapter II Holy Ark and Holy Grail, will give you much more information on these cathedrals. If you have a hard time believing this, please research it for yourself and make up your own mind. One of the Cathedrals that's reviewed in the video below is the Narbonne Cathedral in the south of France, placing it directly during the height of the Templars influence. This is not the only temple by the way, there are many others, and again, keep in mind these building literally popped up over night with no predecessors:
The reason I mention the buildings built is not only does it coincide with the history I have presented so far, but it also informed the average person of the day and also gives more credence to my premise that there was deliberate deception on the part of the power elite.

"..the cryptic emblems of our old books on alchemy, in the ceremonies practised at reception by all secret societies, there are found indications of a doctrine which is everywhere the same and everywhere carefully concealed." - Eliphas Levi
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Left: Statue of George Washington from the Lodge in Italy | Right: Baphomet as illustrated by Eliphas Levi |
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Left: Lady Gaga. Human face center with
two creature faces to left/right. Also notice serpent tattoo on her leg
Right: Demon from Goetia. Human face center with
two creature faces to left/right.

This constant exposure essentially implants images in people's minds. It is an archaic form of mass hypnotism. The basic premise of hypnosis is that when a steady and rhythmic influx of stimuli assaults the audio/visual center of our brains it essentially mutes the stimuli and stores it in the subconscious mind so that the conscious / social mind is unencumbered and free to operate in social spaces, thereby leaving the subject open to suggestion or implantation. It is the subconscious mind that drives the conscious mind and effects behavior. Occult, esoteric and demonic symbols were implanted in Cathedrals, churches, paintings, making them present in subtle forms in everyone's environment. It has spread and it's present almost everywhere today.

Quite literally the area and people of Europe were (and are being) bathed in very specific occultic imagery constantly, which is essentially what we were told by Arthur C. Clarke: "Europa which is constantly bathed in Lucifer's rays" - we would call this 'Product Placement' today, which measurably affects people's behavior and molds perception. This is the 'magic'. When we think of magic we think of either sleight of hand or something that is happening supernaturally. The real power of the occult is neither; it is really just psycho-physical manipulation through pharmacopoeia (drugs), consistent subliminal messages either though images or sound, then subversion and incorporation of cultural super-structures which act as massive conduits that spread and legitimize its message. We have been warned about this in various ways in modernity, mainly through media. For example, Jerzy Kosinsky, who at the age 22 earned two degrees in history and sociology, who also married an American Steele heiress, Mary Haward Weir, gives us stunning insight and a warning at the end of 'Being There' where the industrialists are discussing who to run for president. They are wondering if the public is ready to receive the one, the light - Lucifer.
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This is the scene where they are discussing their plans. What I could say about this movie and book is a whole post in itself, but for the purpose of this post, what's important is to bring cohesion and show continuity of the message. Rand is also a play on Rand Corp., one of the most vicious and powerful government think tanks that exists. |
Is it any wonder that the Bible instructs us to guard what we see? It makes a correlation that what we see and hear affects our heart, and that it is from the heart that actions come:
My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh. Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. Put away from you crooked speech, and put devious talk far from you. Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil. (Proverbs 4:20-27 ESV)
If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. (Matthew 5:29 ESV)
“The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness! (Matthew 6:22-23 ESV)
The Wolf Metamorphosis and Gnostic Dualism
"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20 ESV)
Understanding the hidden world that existed before and during the time of the witch trials is important because it frames our understanding of events within the true context. It also could help explain the relative explosion of very violent acts from the average citizen that were ascribed to werewolves at this time. If we look at some of the case histories we see similar threads:
1. Drugs/Ointments
2. Sexual Deviancy/Violence
3. Ceremony/Initiation
4. Constantly bathed in Occult Symbolism and imagery in their local environment.
While there have always been people who inflict terrible suffering and violence on others, and especially from people who have no restraints (economic, religious, social), there is an increase of a particular kind violence from the average citizen from late 1400-1500's and on. Reading the case histories, we also see that these people seem to be overcome by something and then once the appetite is sated, it fades and then 'they' come back. The cycle then repeats and the number of victims increase as they lose control to their appetite as time goes on. This cycle is also noted by the FBI's own analysis on serial killers. As an aside, I cannot help but mention that the characteristics of psychopathy in the FBI's documentation are essentially similar description of Lucifer/Satan in the bible.
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Saturn |
I believe that there are several reasons we see such an explosion. Not only did European power and influence spread along with increasingly sophisticated modes of social control through psychology and sociology, but an increase in population, economic disparity and technology; in particular print and then the moving pictures. When we see the moving picture technology begin to proliferate society we literally see an explosion of the serial killer, and since it has gone global and more sophisticated, we see a raise in violent acts in society in general. Today we call them 'Lone Wolves'. I cannot help but make the correlation that to the degree of circumference luciferian and occult symbols influence can reach in conjunction with weakening social structures we see an increase of violence in the general population. I am not saying that everyone within the sphere of influence turns into a crazy person, again, I've stated in the beginning of this post that there are specific conditions necessary for the person to act out:
"...because ones identity begins to fracture instead of coalesce to accommodate the various expressions of self that we need to operate in society; ergo the phenomena of the private and public expressions of self. When that process is fractured by trauma, especially sexual, the spirit of the beast moves through the spaces between personalities to plant the seed in people's hearts. Through ritual feeding the beast wrestles controls of the personality by way of its hunger in order to inflict terrible violence and slaughter."
What I have attempted to do was explain in more detail what the spirit of the beast is and make the case that its servants ritually feed the spirit of the beast in people's hearts by deconstructing the pillars of society and surrounding us on all sides with their art. We are now literally enclosed in the ritual through strategic use and placement of magic sigils while exposing us to the most extreme violent images daily, if not hourly. Today it is coupled with institutional drugging of millions of children:
Drugging our kids, Suicide & homicide effects CASPER. MR NEWS
It is the ritual magic that went from the caves (in reference to Plato and other mystery school ceremonies), to temples, to the walls, to books, then media and now on our t-shirts. It is literally everywhere. And I do have to point out at this time that it is not only sexual violence that fractures people's minds, but alcohol (a.k.a. spirits, interestingly) and most especially drugs:
The Drugging of our Children (Gary Null) (SSRI drug dangers)(Columbine shooting)
Though the werewolf diagnosis has been relegated to fantasy its essence survives in movies. In most werewolf movies the perpetrators are mainly men, though you do see a woman werewolf, it is seldom. They remain predominately and overwhelmingly male. They mainly attack women and children, and it is highly sexual. After they kill, they go back to human form. From mania to the rational mind, able to walk among us.
I have created a compilation of movie posters and stills that demarcate my point:
Something has happened in the past three decades or so. The wolf story has been flipped on its head and we are made to sympathize with the wolf, or see the wolf is the hero, not the villain. The trend started well before Hollywood, with people like Mary Shelly, Bram Stoker (who had an interest occult philosophy and possibly a member of the hermetic order of the golden dawn), Charles Dickens, J.M Berry and Hans Christian Anderson, who are all contemporaries. To what degree they were aware of what they were doing, we can never know, but what these people did in effect was to re-write many of the ancient myths, stories, and romanticized them; transforming the ghoulish into the desirable. They turned the hunters into the hunted. This was a trend across the creative spectrum at this time and is typically known as the romanticist movement. The romantic period is defined as follows:
It elevated folk art and ancient custom to something noble, made spontaneity a desirable characteristic (as in the musical impromptu), and argued for a "natural" epistemology of human activities as conditioned by nature in the form of language and customary usage. Romanticism reached beyond the rational and Classicist ideal models to elevate a revived medievalism and elements of art and narrative perceived to be authentically medieval, in an attempt to escape the confines of population growth, urban sprawl, and industrialism, and it also attempted to embrace the exotic, unfamiliar...
By reframing these medieval images in a romantic context, the essence of the creature changes from horrifying, bizarre and strange; for example the mermaid, who in legend are totally scary and murderous half human-half fish freakoids:
To something completely contrary to its true historical context:
This process effectively mutes, or completely shuts off our psycho-physical and spiritual red-alert mechanism. People no longer act accordingly because the reality becomes unreal due to over exposure to the fantasy. When the percentage of the population that is susceptible is trance-formed into the image of the beast, the population around them doesn't know how to react. For example, in Tenerife, an island off the coast of Spain, a Bulgarian man decapitated a woman in broad day light in a busy shop with people around and no one did anything. The man ran down the street, screaming, with the head. It took a while for people to react and stop him. When it first happened people said that it didn't look real, or that they thought they were watching a movie. He also claimed to be a prophet of god:
This is not the first time something like that has happened. In Canada a young man was decapitated on a greyhound bus late at night and then cannibalized in front of everyone. Again, witnesses described as though it were a movie and took a while to react. Li, the man who perpetrated the crime, said he was acting on God's orders:
Also, recently in Bend Oregon, someone stabbed himself to death during an open mic night. People clapped as he lay prostrate on the floor, blood streaming from his wounds, because they thought it was a performance or theater. Of course they realized later that it was real:
Again, we also see something similar when someone started shooting at people randomly in Hollywood, Dec 8th 2011. This news clip is completely bizarre. A man hanging out of his window shouted at the shooter to shoot him, that he wanted to die! Then told the shooter that he came from God:

The modern occultist will reference the illustrator's (Eliphas Levi) explanation that the Baphomet is a symbol of nature. You also see white black dualism in the form of yin-yang, also commonly displayed with the dragon. The yin-yang also has a very naturalistic explanation:
"While "yin" would be dark, passive, downward, cold, contracting, and weak, "yang" would be bright, active, upward, hot, expanding, and strong. The shape of the yin and yang sections of the symbol, actually gives you a sense of the continual movement of these two energies, yin to yang and yang to yin, causing everything to happen.(3)"
I do not doubt the more natural explanations, but when investigating further you will find that there is another aspect of its use that has some disturbing implications. While both symbols are said to be explanations of the natural world, and that certainly makes sense, the symbol's appearance in literature and structures well before its popularization belies the exoteric explanation.
For example, you see the yin-yang represented on a door handle of a catholic church built around 1600-1700. For more information on this reference (I could not find the specific church) watch The Wine of Babylon / Total Onslaught - Walter Veith. Though I do not agree with 100% of everything he says, in that I do not have the same vitriol he has for the Catholic Church, he has however done his research and created an excellent resource:
219B - The Wine of Babylon / Total Onslaught - Walter Veith

Not only do you see it represented on churches 300 hundred years ago, you can also see it places where you would least expect to find it. For example, the logo of the Klu-Klux-Klan, which is an organization that was steeped in theosophy and occultism from its inception.
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Theosophical Society Logo |

Ahuramazda is the uncreated God as described in Zoroastrianism, a.k.a, Mazdaism, the religion that birthed the Manichean philosophy and where we basically get the idea that there is a battle between Sons of Light (order) versus the Sons of Darkness (chaos). Persia (Iran/Aryan) is where chess was developed, which of course is a game between white/black dualism. You also see the same principles (white/black dualism) in the game Go and Backgammon. I am not making a case the Zoroastrianism is totally all bad or that white/black dualism in itself is 'evil', or that the naturalistic implications of yin-yang aren't valid. What I do believe happened is a perversion of its principles that created a dynamic that effectively manipulates mass population commonly known as the Hegelian dialectic, or problem-reaction-solution. By creating chaos you drive people to a solution to order the chaos; a solution and order that was always desired but could never be achieved without the chaos.
I think this is something the Templars learned, maximized, and continued to refine through a network of fraternal societies that systematized it. This is the reason why I think we see, in some of the cases of renaissance were-ism, a deliberate manipulation of the individual. Do I think these poor souls were approached by literal demons clad in black and the ointments were magical? Not exactly. It's more than likely the men clad in black were practitioners of the occult who manipulated fragile people through drugs and horrifying costumes/rituals to push them into committing heinous crimes in order to achieve social chaos that resulted in a violent reactionary movement in the Church, a response that was completely managed by the same occultists who were publishing their work on the occult and acted as advisers to the power elite.

I know that this can be difficult to believe, but a real world example I can think of is WWI. It was precipitated by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The assassin, Gavrilo Princip, was a young and unstable individual who was easily managed by a secret society of assassins known as the "Black Hand", headed by Dragutin (Dragon) Dimitrijević.
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The Black Hand Logo: Skull and Cross Bones, just like the Skull and Cross Bones society out of Yale |
Political assassinations have always happened throughout history. The difference now is that it is done by proxies. This creates a space of plausible deniability for the perpetrating power or group that benefit from the assassination and subsequent chaos. The skull and cross bones was a symbol of the fraternal brotherhood of assassins which has evolved through history, on the seas controlling shipping interests and on land. Today, because the population is so large and they are so few, it is now necessary to control us in the same way they have controlled the political and economic situation from the 1400's on.
It is these societies in particular that funded, trained, researched and executed programs that went from laser focus projects and individuals to mass scale psychological warfare. Many asylums were literally compounds funded by the government. The fall out of the programs in the general population is collateral damage that they use to justify greater social control and surveillance. Again, this is difficult to believe because it denotes an intentional conspiracy which is hard to prove because documentation is difficult to obtain.
Regardless, secret society (White/Black Hand and Skull and Bones and others) activities were legitimized as extra governmental organizations that evolved and today are known as the C.I.A and F.B.I. - The project to manipulate human consciousness, that I believe was at the root of the cases of were-ism in the medieval and renaissance period, continued and is known today as MK-ULTRA, which was a secret CIA project to produce citizen assassins through the '...use of many methodologies to manipulate individual mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture.' It is not a coincidence that LSD was one of the main drugs used in MK-ULTRA, which was also intentionally promoted to the general public in the 1950's.
Interestingly, a book that was published in 2010, that has nothing to do with WWI or international politics, called White Hand Society: The Psychedelic Partnership of Timothy Leary & Allen Ginsberg is about the following:
"Leary, eager to expand his psychedelic experiments at Harvard to include accomplished artists and writers, knew that Ginsberg held the key to bohemia’s elite. “America’s most conspicuous beatnik” was recruited as Ambassador of Psilocybin under the auspices of an Ivy League professor, and together they launched the psychedelic revolution and turned on the hippie generation. A who’s who of artists, pop culture, and political figures people this story of the life, times, and friendship of two of the most famous, charismatic, and controversial members of America’s counterculture."
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Left: Alan Ginsberg | Middle: Timothy Leary | Right: Ralph Metzner "Hear no evil, Speak No Evil, See No Evil" |
Sadly, the book is actually favorable of the trend. Today we do not have 'demons' clad in black running around handing out ointments in order to manipulate human consciousness, we have the appropriation and subversion of cultural movements so people willingly take mind altering drugs and then are used by proxy to spread their message and implant sigils into popular culture in order to literally enclose the general population in magikal circles.
The pentagon, C.I.A., MI5 and other intelligence agencies (the network of fraternal brotherhoods) employ similar templar and black magik methods to manipulate information, mainly through the media, in order to control the general population. This is known as COINTELPRO, which is a manipulation of information in order to generate confusion and ultimately psychological fatigue and apathy. We are in an age where the same type of medieval techniques used to unleash the spirit of the beast in individuals has been refined and polished. Taking another look at the list of conditions necessary to induce psychosis is it any wonder why we see the systemic and surreptitious and overt administration of drugs and other chemicals. Television is known to induce hypnotic states, in fact, they are intentionally designed that way.
Many are now addicted to television and computers so now even social interactions happen in isolation. In effect, many people are sensorily deprived or the inverse, over stimulated, and many have a deep rooted sense of isolation. Coupled with all this, if not directly, we are certainly indirectly exposed (via the hypnotic television, movies and gaming) to verbal, sexual abuse and torture beyond anything human beings in history were exposed to. Is it any wonder why we see an increase in random violence?

What I hope to get across here is that the argument and debate about the effect of violence in the media is managed as well, since the problem is multi-fold and multi-dimensional. It is all these things in conjunction that produce an effect in a percentage of the population. They are intentionally trance-forming people in order to release the latent beast nature in human beings and nothing will change until people understand the problem in its true context. People do not literally transform into the wolf, like the movies would have us believe, but the essence of the wolf is released and results in terrible suffering and violence. I will end this section with the interview between James Dobson and Ted Bundy conducted hours before he was executed. Bundy actually warns us about what's happening in society and the effects violent pornography and alcohol produced in him. Interesting things to note: You will notice that Dobson has a difficult time understanding why other psychologist and institutions are not willing to admit the correlation. If you have read everything up to this point, you will not be so confused. You will also see the 'essence' of the werewolf syndrome, as I've described it, in Bundy's own account. Despite his warning, the message was sidelined and ultimately forgotten.
The Howling and Bundy Correlation
There is one werewolf movie in particular that does attempt to substantiate many of the topics raised in this post so far, and that is 'The Howling'. It does a great job in making the correlation between pornography and were-ism, or pornography and sexual violence. In the beginning an anchor woman who has become an obsession of a sexual offender agrees to assist the police in a sting. The meeting place is a pornography shop. Of course she is isolated from all help and witnesses the stalker transform into the wolf amid a back drop of violent pornographic images. I also thought it was interesting that the wolf pack was headed up by a psychologist and behavior expert, who was caring for the stalker. He himself is a beast as well and you see occult ceremonies taking place at the compound which is later burned to the ground. And last, it gives us a stark warning at the end and explains that there does exist a secret society that is attempting to unleash the beast within the general population. That in fact, the choice has been taken from us. People of course mock it as silly, conspiratorial nonsense. The media head tries to cut her off the air and finally succeeds after her transformation and assassination is broadcast live. It cuts to a scene in a bar where people discuss whether it was fake or not, while the wolf priestess sits among them...and smiles.
If you do not believe that there is an intentional move to unleash the beast in the general population, watch the video below in full. You will hear it for yourself.
The Wolf and Industrial Music
You will also notice that he references the general malaise of society, confusion about race, et cetera, essentially chaos, and promotes himself as an agent of order, a new order. He also references the Thule society, which was the occult society that helped give shape to the Nazi party, that Hitler was a part of, and the reader should have a better understanding why race matters to these people and how they justify their actions. Of course, every ethic he listed is the antithesis of Christianity, which is basically the definition of anti-christ; in place of Christ. Industrial music is a horrifying genre of music, and most avid listeners and fans are extremely anti-christian: violently and angrily anti-christian. Many people would write off the above video because it was on public access and not 'main stream', however, Schreck is responsible for mentoring Brian Hugh Warner and helped to create the persona 'Marilyn Manson'.
Shcreck is married to Zena LeVay, the daughter of Anton Levay, the founder of the Church of Satan. The name 'Marilyn Manson' is a merger of two of Schrecks interests, Manson, whom he knew personally as he performed a black magic ceremony in prison with him and wrote a book advocating his philosophy, and Marilyn Monroe, who was Anton LeVay's lover before she shot to fame. If you listened to the Schreck interview, some of what Marilyn Manson does begins to make more sense, and you quickly realize that Brain Hugh Warner is a proxy for Schreck who remains to this day out of the public spot light and little known. The idea that Brian came up with all this stuff on his own is patently false.

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Left: Brian Hugh Warner w/Anton LeVay | Right: Black/White Gnostic Dualism |
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Fruition of Nikolas Schreck of Radio Werewolf |
Schrek's influence and project is also felt in some of the most disturbing movies of the 90's: Seven, and 8MM. Both associate Christianity to the murders. Again, we see in 8MM a connection between violent pornography and violence. The movie is about a private investigator, played by Nicholas Cage (an avid occultist by the way), hired by the wife of an industrialist who found a snuff film (a pornographic film where the woman is mutilated, tortured and killed during the sex act) in her husband's safe shortly after his death. During the investigation Cage begins to be transformed as he goes deeper in the underground world of pornography. Toward the end of the movie, when Cage finally tracks down the 'video artist' who produced the snuff film, the soundtrack is dominated by industrial music; the kind Scherck was producing and promoting a decade before. To me this demonstrates that they achieved their goal of taking the music, which at the time of the interview was relatively obscure, into the main stream. Of course, the killer's Mom (who is a Christian), has no idea that her son, who looks like an average Joe, is a sadistic porn actor who participates in the most brutal kind of slaughter. When Cage finally has the upper hand and has the killer down on the ground with a gun to him, he wants to know one thing....why? To which the killer says, there is no reason. I do what I do because I like it. Don't try to make sense of it.
While the movie was revealing and an attempt to take issue with the connection between violence and pornography, given what I have outlined in this post, the violence perpetrated begins to make sense. The director, whether intentionally or not, continues to promote the spirit of ignorance that the general public has to the reality of what is going on. We have been given a world view based in evolution, which at its foundation insists that there really is no purpose in creation. Everything we see is just random acts that are governed by blind forces. There are no intentional connections or actions. However, it should be clear by now that there is something going on that is incredibly intentional. Most people would call themselves agnostic, meaning, they don't really know what to think about God, are completely ignorant of, blind to, and resistant to evidence that shows a continuity of spiritual agenda that extends through space and time. These are the people who are most easily manipulated, because even being shown proof they cannot and will not see the intentionality of events all around them. They have eyes, but do not see. They have ears, but do not hear. The black priests, the Servants of the Beast, prefer it that way and this is why agnosticism is cultivated and promoted. While the general population, whom they care nothing about, is made to feel agnosticism is rational, reasonable and logical, the architects of society are highly religious, highly spiritual, highly educated in both secular and occult philosophy and magik. They also often have a higher moral fortitude, while promoting and encouraging amoral activity in the general population. They are incredibly determined and intentional in everything they do, as the stakes are high. How high? Your soul. That is what the beast wants. YOU are what this is all about. Here is the song that was played predominately in 8MM. It tells you quite plainly what the beast is after. Listen and decide. The choice is yours to make.
Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8 ESV)
This material was very heavy for me to go through. It turns my stomach and sickens my soul. If you are reading this because you searched out key words on the occult or looking for pictures and you know nothing about God, please watch The Father's Love Letter. It is a message encoded into the bible for you. It will show you God's true character, not the image that has been implanted in your mind by media and the servants of the beast. It is the balm for the soul.
I have used non-academic tools and references in order to show that it is possible for the layman to research this without having to be a part of a University system, or purchase books to research. This series, The Servants of Twilight, will continue with an analysis of the Vampire. I chose Twilight because it is something that people are familiar with and it also demonstrates the complete transformation of these creatures. Also because the wolf and the vampire are the two faces of Satan/Lucifer, who work in tandem as they are the black/white dualism that is at the heart of the Hegelian dialectic and problem-reaction-solution. They, acting together, are the spirit of duality, the light and the dark, the chaos and order. Satan is the prowling lion who devours, while Lucifer appears as an angel of light. Satan creates the chaos that no one can solve, so Lucifer can come as the Son of Perdition with the answers. This is the reason why both the werewolf and vampire work in tandem, as demonstrated in Dracula, who was able to transform into the Beast and the Nobleman. I am also giving homage to Dean Koontz's work, The Servants of Twilight, which is an excellent book and interesting movie that deals with a similar topic and shows us how we are being manipulated into having sympathy for the devil by flipping around and confusing the light and the dark. The second series will be up no later than March 2012. I will follow up with Servants of Twilight: The Conclusion, after Part 2, as there are things I would like to clarify that will bring all these points together into a cohesive and hopefully prescient matter: How this relates to the end times and Israel. Stay tuned!
very good article
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