Bloggers Note: I was reading this today and it really resonated with me. Especially since I am so focused right now on writing blogs on current events in relation to scripture and the dangers technology poses to society. It is also a reminder of the impermanence of our endeavors, and reinforces the foundations of charity, humility and grace.
May 19, 1943
Jesus says:
Jesus says:
“This is the punishment for your human pride. You have wanted too much and thus lose even what I had granted for you to have. The works of human genius and ingenuity, my gifts, of which you are so proud, turn to dust to remind you that I alone am Eternal, I alone am God, I alone am I. But what is mine remains. Neither man nor the devil can destroy it. No attack, no wile is capable of destroying what I made and what shall be, ever the same, as long as I will. The sea, the sky, the stars, the mountains, the flowers on the hills, and the green forests. The former are inviolable, like Myself; the latter rise again from every fleeting death inflicted upon them by man, as I rose from the brief death man dealt out to me. And the plants slashed and the grass crushed by war shall live again as I made them the first day. Your works shall not. The works of art shall not. The churches and domes, the palaces and monuments you prided yourselves on - made over centuries and perishing in an instant for your punishment - shall never live again. And the works of progress come crumbling down, along with your foolish pride believing itself to be a god, just because it invented them, and they turn against you, increasing destruction and pain. But my creation remains, and remains more beautiful because in its immutability, which no device can scratch, it speaks even more forcefully of Me. Everything that is yours collapses. But remember, poor men, that it is better for you to remain without anything, while having Me, than to live amidst the heights of art and progress, after having lost Me. One thing alone is necessary for man: the kingdom of the spirit, where I am, the Kingdom of God.”
Bloggers Note: I liked this because it highlights Why Grace changes everything. It also addresses, I think, legitimate critiques of the church and why behavior modification programs don't really work. It's not something that can be given, it is something that is nurtured within us by the Spirit of God. I pray that everyone wills to set their foot on this path...
May 21, 1943

I understood that we must be good and lead others to be so, not for our joy, but “to do Jesus a favor.” That’s it. Having found this truth, I found everything, and everything changed. With my whole mode of existence grounded upon love, my way of acting also changed in its method and aspiration. From 1923 on I thus let my human self drop lower and lower and fall into the shadow, with all its human sensations, ideas, works, and so on, and, without ever reflecting on the consequences which following God’s way might have for me in human terms, I concerned myself solely with that way, along which I channeled myself and - aspired to having many others following behind me. The first creature led to God by word and prayer - as I have already told you - was an elderly woman, over seventy, and then, further on, in one way or another, I have pulled out additional little fish, placing them in the Lord’s hatchery. Unfortunately, I have also come up with such-lively ones that after they were fished out, they managed to wriggle away, preferring the miry slime and putrid, stagnant water to the pure, crystalline, beatifying waves of the divine fish pond. But the desertions of some, my defeats, have not discouraged me.
I have continued all the same to speak of God, even when convinced I am speaking to an impenetrable heart. I have continued to pray and act, indifferent to the gestures of irony and rudeness and the disappointments. Something will clearly remain in those hearts! Don’t you think so? And God will do the rest. The defeats serve to show me that, without God’s help, I am less than nothing. The victories serve to show me that God’s benignity is so fatherly and superb that He is always ready to hear us when we ask for what is just and to help us when we do our best for the sake of his honor. I told you about that girl saved from death. And I won’t repeat myself. I told you orally that not one of those I have entrusted to the Lord, among the soldiers in combat, has died. Furthermore, I can add that I obtain many of the things I request for others. Indeed, it is quite unlikely for me not to obtain them. Jesus is so good that He refuses nothing I request for my brothers and sisters. If anything, He is more hesitant regarding me, about things I request for myself. It may also be because I-know how to say “thank you” to Jesus when He grants me a favor. There are so few who know how to say that “thanks” to Him which is not refused even to the street-sweeper who cleans the sidewalk for us! The good Lord is treated like a servant obliged to content us - and the good Lord so desires to hear the words “Thank You, Father!” As for my girls, I can state that I have left a trace in them which will not die, even if for the time being, in at least one of them, it seems to be a trace wiped out. Just as I have left it in my friends and in the women who formerly heard me when I gave talks.Yes, I can say, without false modesty, that I have not passed over the earth to no avail. As I can state that I have seen and see the graces I request raining down into my hands. A gentle rain which I sprinkle upon hearts, joyful if, by way of this rain, obtained, moreover, at the price of blood, a soul turns to God and clings to Him more and more tightly.
But perhaps it is because I pray more for others than for myself and also do not resort to certain-draconian-means on my own behalf which make it impossible for the good Jesus to deny me some

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