Monday, July 18, 2011
Revealing Heaven: A Book Review of Sorts
Something has been occurring to me over the past 7 months where a series of patterns and events have coalesced into one theme; God is speaking about his home and our future lives. I'm not sure if this is your experience, perhaps this could be one link in the chain of events leading down a similar path, but I have been guided overwhelmingly to works about Heaven. It started back in January when I heard a broadcast on Haven Today with Todd Burpbo, who had recently published a book about his son's experience in Heaven: Heaven is for Real. I went out and bought the book the same day.
Shortly after I stumbled across another book; Nine Days in Heaven. It is a re-write of a book published in 1848 where Marietta Davis experienced an amazing vision of heaven. There was much more detail about Heaven than in young Burpbo's account and her vision on the spiritual events that took place after the death of Christ is the most spectacular I have ever read. After reading that book I then came across another work, another and then another. What I started to notice is that each book revealed similar details. Instead of contradicting each other they built on each other, like harmonic layers, giving me a multi-dimensional picture of what Heaven is going to be like. Each book is annotated with scripture to support the vision as authentic, meaning that it does not deviate from the inspired Word. None of this proves the works are inspired of God, or that I was being led by God to them. I concede, I have no concrete proof to show this was the case. What I can tell you is that there was something more going on inside my soul while reading these books. It was the soulish response that piqued my interest. While reading them my soul was refreshed, encouraged and inspired. Many of the books are lined with my tears. It provoked intense longing and hope, and invigorated my works in the world. For example, I notice that I give generously and spontaneously with more joy, and when I perceive a wrong I pray to God and declare I forgive that person. In other words, these books in conjunction with scripture and daily teaching quickened my soul and had real world effect.
But why is this happening now? From my experience, works dealing with Heaven are usually in the realm of the New Age and the message varies from author to author, giving only a broad scope admonishment to 'love more' from a vague light. Christians by nature tend to shun these kind of works, but more and more of these books are coming from evangelical Christians. And in some cases they have been having these experiences for several decades and just now told by the Spirit to publish them. The fact is that increasing numbers of Christians have been having this experience over a span of 160 years and what they recall independently corroborates actual places in heaven and does not deviate from the main message; Heaven is real, it's better than you can ever imagine, God loves you more than you can ever know and Jesus is the way to get there!
While I have read many books on the subject of Heaven that have profound spiritual depth, there is one book that stands out among them: Revealing Heaven by Kat Kerr. For starters, it's the only book I have read that actually comes with pictures of what she saw, but it also provided a reason for why works on Heaven from Christian sources are flooding the world:
"This is a glimpse into Eternity! Prepare to read. Prepare to be forever changed. Prepare people of Earth, for in the year 2007, God is REVEALING HEAVEN!"
I can certainly testify to this fact. Unlike the other books, Revealing Heaven also comes with third party accounts of the people who were touched in tangible ways by her visitations to Heaven. How is this any different than someone like John Edward's Crossing Over, who also provides 'proofs' of his contact with the dead? For starters, these people aren't dead and she makes it clear that she did not have contact with them, but was allowed to observe. Another distinguishing factor is that the people still on this earth were not aware that Kat existed. They are not people in an audience seeking her out, nor is the evidence merely anecdotal; meaning she related vague events that happened in the past. She is merely relating what she observed about the loved one in Heaven, and the observations correlated to reality. In one case, there is an actual letter written by a young girl who moved on that corroborates Kat's visitation a decade before the person's passing. That's on a level John Edwards could only dream of reaching. That's only something the Lord of space and time can orchestrate. However, it's not just the evidence that points to the validity of her account that I found impactful. Outside of the more concrete aspects of the book, it also helps illuminate who God is, how much he loves us and how much FUN heaven is going to be! This is by far the most important aspect that makes Kat's book stand apart from the others. It was just plain FUN to read and it treads where other books won't go; getting into depth about the structures of Heaven like the mansions, centers of learning, movie houses and even amusement parks.
I consider myself a spiritual person who loves God. Imperfect, to be sure, but earnest in my desire and appreciation for the Gift of the Blood of the Lamb. I can only speak to my own experience, but sometimes I get so caught up in my pursuit of spiritual knowledge that I sometimes become severe, and unfortunately assume that as the only characteristic of God's personality. And while it is important to study so as to not be deceived and consider the content with sound counsel, I had hesitation accepting that there might be spiritual desserts too. And the book truly is a treat. I am glad that Heaven has roller coasters, movies theaters, homes, gardens of light, and best of all access to the throne room of God from anywhere in Heaven by riding the visible light of worship! Wow! (Ever since I was little I always wanted to put color to sound as it was being produced - I now know that thought was inspired by Heaven.)
I don't just like it because I want my ears tickled and want something that is familiar, rather, it speaks to the tremendous love God has for us in that he does not denigrate our creations, the things that we as people LOVE to do, but has taken what we have made (even in a fallen state) and put those things into Glory. God, through Kat, has taken my conception of him to a higher level than I could have imagined. I suddenly understood that the problem of my tendency to reject something that did not fit my conception of 'holy' was my lack of understanding the depth of God's love and respect he has for his children and the multitude of ways he communicates it. It also made me revisit verses and consider them within a new context:
Mark 10:15: Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” (I don't know about you, but I loved going to Disneyland as a child, so personally, I look forward to the amusement park)
1 Corinthians 1:25: For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. (An amusement park in heaven was definitely a foolish idea, but given my new understanding about the nature of God, it is wiser than I could have imagined - and I am glad his ways are higher. My Heaven would have been boring!)
Books that are non-descript, such as Heaven is for Real and the most recent Flight to Heaven, are very comfortable. They are mainly about the story of how they had their experience and then how it affected their life afterward. Heaven is only mentioned briefly and rather vaguely.There is nothing about these books that moves anybody outside of their comfort zone, except that it appeals directly to the saving power of Jesus and emphasizes our need for him. However, I believe all these books are meant to reach the people who are deceived by the new age, or begin to open Christians mind to the possibility that God is allowing Heaven to be revealed. Paul states in 2 Corinthians 12:2-4:
"I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows. And I know that this man was caught up into paradise—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows— and he heard things that cannot be told, which man may not utter."
Could it be that Paul lived in a time when there were no words available to describe the world of Heaven and that is why no man could utter it? The Whorf Hypothesis does state that "The principle of linguistic relativity holds that the structure of a language affects the ways in which its speakers are able to conceptualize their world". We live in an age where we have words that help conceptualize the world of Heaven; we are aware of relativity, multiple dimensions, plasma, et cetera. Aside from having the necessary scientific lexicon readily available to the layperson, I secretly wonder if Heaven is being revealed at this time because the end of the age is close and God is letting these things out now to help revitalize our hearts and remind us that no matter what the New World Order is offering, it cannot compare to the world that Christ, through his blood, opened to us. Or maybe the book is not only for us, maybe it is for those who go through the tribulation. Could it be these books will give the end times believer the courage to not take the mark and lose their heads? I don't know and I'm not a prophet, it's just an interesting thought.
Revealing Heaven is bold, simple, spiritually and scripturally sound and grand in scope. It will challenge the cerebral Christian and those who cling closely to the more worldly application of scripture. However, the reader will have to make up their own mind if they believe her or not. I for one, do. Revealing Heaven does not have a broad appeal (yet), but it will be there when people are ready to peek behind the curtain. If you are curious, please visit Kat Kerr's website and order the book. You will not regret it. I also urge you to buy a CD as well. Hearing the honesty in her voice will assuage any doubts you may have about her and buying the books and CDs goes directly to her ministry, which is a wonderful and specific vision. Also, please remember to pray for Kat. As she gains in popularity there will be increasing verbal and spiritual violence against her that will come from the more dogmatic and self-assured Christians. I can tell you, it is undeserved. I applaude her courage and look foward to the coming installments.
Peace and Blessings, Always!
PS - I do not know Kat, anyone in her family or friends. I have no association with her or her ministry, and am not receiving any payment for the endoresment.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
June 8th, 1943: The Spirit Speaks through "Little John"
Jesus says:
“Without the Father I would not have been. But without the Spirit I would not have come. For it was the Love of the Father that sent Me. And the more love is alive in a heart, the more We are present and active therein. Hence the need to possess Love in yourselves - that is, the Holy Spirit. I have said that ‘it is necessary to be reborn in the Spirit in order to be able to possess eternal life.’ The birth of the flesh from other flesh does not distinguish you from the beasts except in this: you will be judged for not having wanted to be reborn in the Spirit . The beasts are not responsible for this. You are. You that believe in my Name, you that are regenerated by Baptism are.
"Why, then, are you not reborn in the Spirit?
"Why, then, are you not reborn in the Spirit?
"How can my doctrine be understood if Love is not in you?
"I said ‘that you would understand when I sent the Consoler, the Spirit of Truth.’ Now I have sent Him to you. I willingly went up onto the Cross to redeem you and prepare the way for the Paraclete. I willingly ascended into Heaven, leaving my Mother, the Only One in whom the Spirit was as in the Father’s breast, so full of grace was She. Indeed, in Her was ‘Grace’ itself. I ascended, leaving the men whom I had loved so much, to the point of dying for them by death on the cross, so as to be able to send you Him in whose light everything becomes clear. I continue to send Him to you, to nourish this light with Myself, for I am in the Father and in the Spirit, and They are in Me. And you have Me, with my Body, with my Blood, with my Essence, in the Eucharist. Your God and Brother. But you live with the flesh. You have Me, the Light of the world, and once more - indeed, increasingly you prefer the darkness to the light.
"You resemble poor madmen. In the times when I lived in your midst, they would have called you ‘obsessed,’ possessed by an impure spirit inclining you towards strange perversions, because of which you love darkness, ugliness, unclean company, whereas you could live in the Light and in the Truth. You have hearing and do not hear; you have sight and do not see. You have speech, but you use it to curse and lie. You have a heart and do not raise it to Heaven, but sell it for base loves and base interests. Why do you live profaning and profaning yourselves? For you, what are the words of Truth and Life which I have left you and which the Paraclete has explained to you in the light of Charity? From time to time I attempt another miracle of love and call you, speaking to you in a thousand ways. Come, investigate, rouse yourselves. But how? With a scientific curiosity. Your spirit does not awaken at the touch of the Mystery which is once again revealed and shows you God and his love. Poor creatures blinded by your human science! One alone is the necessary Science. Mine.
Mammon, by Alex Gross |
"If you devoted a fraction of what you devote to evil to doing good, you would already be saved. But following Goodness means being pure, continent, merciful, honest, just, and humble. And you instead prefer to be workers of iniquity. You cannot reconcile the Kingdom of God with the kingdom of Satan. You cannot simultaneously satisfy the flesh and the spirit. You must choose. I have given you intelligence so that you can choose. I have given you light so that you can see. I have given you love so that you can guide yourselves. And I have given you freedom, for your existence would not otherwise have merit. You have erred ten, a hundred, a thousand times. I have given you the Commandments to help you; I have given you the Prophets to cry out my Will to you. You have erred a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand times. I have given you Myself, leaving the Father’s breast to speak to you.
"Lift your sick brow towards Heaven, that the divine dew may wash you. Because you are sick, my poor sons and daughters, and you do not know it. You have let yourselves be kissed by Satan, and his lip is upon you and in you. But my love, my love alone, can heal you. Come, do not reject my hand seeking to attract you to Myself. Do you think I cannot forgive you? Oh! I would have forgiven even Judas if instead of fleeing He had come under the Cross where I was dying and had said to me, ‘Forgiveness!’ He would have been the first of my redeemed ones because he was already the greatest sinner, and upon him I would have had the Blood of my Heart - pierced not so much by the lance as by his and your betrayals - rain down.
"Otherwise it does not. |
"And the Spirit of Truth communicates it to you. In his light all that is is sanctified, is purified, becomes good. If your knowledge takes its origin from this perfect Knowledge, your human knowledge yields works of real utility.
"If the science you possess is only human science, it is not true science. It is profanation.
"It tears away the veils enfolding the cosmic forces in which I, who am able to ration the good and the evil which you ought to know, have enfolded them. The dragon hisses, ‘Bite, man, bite into the fruit which will make you a god.’ And you bite. You do not know that you are eating your condemnation. |
Worship of Mamon |
"The number of your errors can no longer be counted. You pile them up on each other like a pyramid. You make a second Tower of Babel to climb upon and say to each other, ‘See, we are like God and go up to the heavens.’
Click here to understand |
"Satan helps you and laughs. He knows that the tower of your sins will crumble down upon you when you think you are touching the skies and cast you down into hell. It is already collapsing and crushing you. And you don’t stop! Oh, stop, stop, sons and daughters! Stop, my beloved! Hear the voice of the Father, of the Brother, of your God who calls you, who calls you beloved even now, because you are bejeweled with his Blood. Do not wrathfully shake off that Blood from yourselves, cursing it.
"Lift your sick brow towards Heaven, that the divine dew may wash you. Because you are sick, my poor sons and daughters, and you do not know it. You have let yourselves be kissed by Satan, and his lip is upon you and in you. But my love, my love alone, can heal you. Come, do not reject my hand seeking to attract you to Myself. Do you think I cannot forgive you? Oh! I would have forgiven even Judas if instead of fleeing He had come under the Cross where I was dying and had said to me, ‘Forgiveness!’ He would have been the first of my redeemed ones because he was already the greatest sinner, and upon him I would have had the Blood of my Heart - pierced not so much by the lance as by his and your betrayals - rain down.
“Come. My arms are open. On the cross I was pained to have them nailed down, only because I would not be able to encircle you with them and bless you. But they are now free to draw you to my Heart. My mouth has kisses of forgiveness; my heart has treasures of love. Abandon unjust wealth and come to Me, true Wealth. Abandon unworthy joys and come to Me, true Joy. Abandon false gods and come to Me, true God. How you would feel glad, with a spiritual delight, if you entrusted yourselves to Me! I am the God of Peace. From Me flow forth all graces. Every pain is calmed in Me. Every burden becomes light. Every act of yours, performed in my Name, is clothed in my Beauty. I can give you everything if you come to my Heart, and not in a human, but superhuman manner - eternal, ineffably sweet. I don’t say that you will no longer experience pain. I, who am God, experienced it Myself. But I tell you: pain will become gentle if suffered upon my Heart. Come. Abandon what dies, what harms you, the One who hates you. Come to the One who loves you, to the One who is able to give you the things that do not cause harm and do not die. Help me, with your will. I want it in order to act. Not because I need it, but because you need it to merit the Kingdom. Come. Help me to cast Hell back into hell and open Heaven to you."
Blogger's Note: After completing the post on Paul Erdős and the "Supreme Fascist", I went back to reading my usual stuff. The bible, and other works that have tremendous spiritual insights, and praying, I asked God to guide my eyes and speak to me again. I went directly (without prior knowledge of it being there) to this excerpt from Maria Valtorta's Notebooks: 1943. I read it, and it applied directly to the spirit of that post. You can get The Notebooks from Amazon, or from
Monday, July 4, 2011
Paul Erdős and the "Supreme Fascist"
Please listen to Excerpt: Blog is regarding this clip specifically and its implication and inferences.
The SF (Supreme Fascist) created us to enjoy our suffering.
—Paul Erdős (1913 - 1996)—
Specialization of Knowledge
I had never heard of Paul Erdős, but after I watched a documentary on his life I found him to be utterly fascinating. I'm always astonished by mathematicians, I mean, I have a difficult enough time 'seeing' where I've missed words in something I have written even though I've gone over it at least 20 times. I have the same problem with math. I miss a "+" here, a "-" there, and then my answer, which totally makes sense in my brain, comes out completely wrong. Embarrassingly wrong. I would get math tests back with big fat scarlet F's stricken across the top and red ink over every answer I worked out. I would be shocked. "There is no way that I did this poorly! I thought I understood every concept! I really did study, and besides who can argue with my LOGIC!" But no, I was definitely wrong and my reasoning completely illogical. So I'm not a mathematician, or a scientist. It's probably people like me that wing it through somehow that have been responsible for every mishap and tragedy in aeronautic history. Regardless of my handicap, I still love being a spectator. I find math beautiful, science fantastic and am awestruck by people gifted in those areas. For me, watching the documentary on Paul Erdős gave me the same thrill as watching a master dancer, craftsman or musician in action. There is something profound in being witness to someone accomplishing an extraordinary feat while making it look effortless. A foundational axiom of the human experience is that we bear witness to each other.
Each human being is uniquely gifted, and when that gift is nurtured like a seed planted in fertile ground and tended with utmost care, we bear fruit that is a blessing to the self from which the fruit sprang and also to society. Our perception and subsequent attitude toward those who are uninitiated in a specific training or gifted with tremendous aptitude as unable to speak to a subject is a tragic disservice. Everyone is necessary. Without varying gifting’s and aptitudes society would lose its dynamism and depth, robbing us of potentially wonderful experiences and joy. So, I am not writing to tear down Paul Erdős, or his obvious gift. Rather I want to address what came to my mind when I saw the above clip; the essence of what was inferred.
The Occult History of Science
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Jack Parson, founder of JPL and Black Magician |
Influence on Belief
These foundational world views affect our ethics, morality and how we derive meaning and beauty in our lives. In this age we appeal to people like Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking in matters beyond what their science or math actually show. Despite lack of proof, or complete knowledge of ‘everything’, those men take positions on the existence of God. I’m not saying they can’t have a position, because man cannot escape the question of God. Both inner and outer worlds demand an answer. However, none of the men mentioned (and even those not mentioned) never embrace the notion of God as a personality that can be known and has a desire to know you. If God is mentioned, it is always going to be pantheistic in essence. The idea of God as a personality that interacts with creation is completely disregarded, and I have to admit it is for usually good reasons.
Paul Erdős, in particular, has a most unique and honest position on the matter. While many mathematicians and scientists who are in the public spot light take a rather benign position, Erdős not only deals directly with God, but uses language that communicates a position that deals directly with social issues. In some sense, it is very Manichean, or a type of game theory in which tension created by good and bad actions results in equilibrium. Erdős also deals directly with the God of man's making and calls that God exactly what he perceives him to be: The Supreme Fascist. I think the title is used as a direct result of Erdős’ experiences, as most Eastern Europeans of his time had direct dealings with fascist ideology and its subsequent carnage - and given the popular misconception about the God of the Old Testament, I can appreciate why he would use that specific descriptor.
While probably tongue and cheek, I think that his position as a respected mathematician has bigger ramifications on the lay person than he might imagine. There is no higher authority on this planet right now than the mathematician or scientist, so when they speak about God people listen. What they say about the matter becomes to a great extent the modern canon, trumping the Bible itself and making theologians scramble for a legitimate response; which usually ends in concession. For example, many Christians, if not all, now reject or struggle with the Genesis account of creation as a literal event. The evolutionary theory and the powerful influence of the modern priests forced many believers to abandon the biblical account of creation for a construction of evolution with intent; Intelligent Design. There is more to be said on this matter, but will be done in a different post where I can give it the proper attention it deserves. The main point I want to establish is that scientists and mathematicians have tremendous impact on the foundational background beliefs of a large percentage of the population - regardless if one is Christian or not. So when Paul Erdős speaks about God as a Supreme Fascist, despite it being tongue and cheek or just social commentary, many people are affected by that particular word association. It has impact and provokes a response.
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Left: Blavatsky, Right: Alice A Bailey of Lucifer Trust, aka Lucis Trust |
Joh 8:42-44 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. (43) Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. (44) Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Jesus was saying this to those who believed they were justified, moral and good in their opposition to him, but if they truly loved 'good' they would love him merely for the fruit of his works. In fact, given the above quote from Jesus, I think it's safe to say that the Supreme Fascist Erdős is talking about is actually Satan, not God, for there is nothing fascist about Jesus, who is the physical representation of God's heart. There can be no fault found in anything he said or did, it's just that Erdős has never taken the time to actually read about him, but defaulting to a personal view based on experience and assumptions. If he truly loved what was good it’s doubtful that he could paint God in such a light, and given the brutal history of nations it would be sufficient to defer back to scripture and say that those actions are not from God, but Satan and human sin. How many wars have been started by lies, how many lives lost to murder? There were very specific rules of warfare for Isreal in the Old Testament, and what most people attribute to religious wars are not from God, or of God, but of the devil. However, outside of being born again by the holy spirit our natural state is enmity with God; not because we are necessarily 'evil', but because we are deceived and don't really know who he is. The scripture also speaks to the fact that just because someone doesn't necessarily think they are worshiping the devil, or are of Lucifer, or aligned with Lucifer, doesn't mean they aren't. Many, MANY people have adopted the Luciferian philosophy and don’t even know it.
What is the Luciferian Philosophy?
This is a tremendous topic and one that I will be dealing with in the future, so what is written here is not to be considered the definitive post, but rather a point of induction that will be built on later. The Luciferian philosophy is not to be mistaken with Satanism, even though they are different branches that draw from the same root. In fact, many Luciferians really don’t like Satanists. The best way I can illustrate the difference is that Satanists tend to be more concerned with Magikal rites and ceremonies (both white/black), summoning entities and elementals to bend nature to their will for some type of gain. Luciferians tend to be more interested in physical/psychic evolution into higher planes of existence. The reality and origin of conscious evolution has been hidden in modern times because Lucifer has such a negative connotation to a vast number of people due to the proliferation of the Bible. Blavatsky had to stop publishing the magazine Lucifer and Alice A. Bailey had to change the name of her publishing company Lucifer Trust, to Lucis Trust, because people would not consider the content seriously merely because Lucifer was prominently displayed. However, the content of the messages didn’t change, and the ideas and philosophy have thoroughly permeated western culture.
This Present Darkness

You cannot turn on a television, watch a movie, or read a novel without being initiated into it. It has evolved to such a degree that what was once horror is now considered sexy; we have fallen prey to lust. Another distinction is that Satanists consider themselves an adversary of God, while Luciferians believe that God, as described in the bible, is not actually God, but a lesser God that was holding man back from his true potential and that Lucifer liberated man in the Garden by opening our minds to knowledge. This was the main driving force behind many of the mystery schools and also taught as an allegory to illustrate what the purpose of evolution actually is. This is the key to understanding things like the Sphinx (half man/half animal – the divine animal), esoteric movies such as Kubrick’s 2001, practices to induce Kundalini, and why the serpent and dragons are associated with knowledge and proliferate most ancient cultures all over the world.
The Luciferian philosophy can be found almost everywhere you look today. There are times when it is laid out in plain view, and other times when it is hidden and only the initiated will understand what is going on. For example, the movie "Rosemary’s Baby" lays out the Satanic practices in plain view. There was the use of herbs, enchantments and cermony. It was clear to the audience what was going on. What wasn't clear was why it was going on. Why would anyone want to help give birth to the Anti-Christ? The philosophy was revealed only briefly. If you pay close attention, and consider all the things I have written up to this point, you will understand why they did what they did:
Play to hear why the Satanists abused Rosemary
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Please note the upside cross in the title is the same design as the upside down cross on the baby's crib |
Hidden in Plain Sight
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Lucifer's Baptism Rite |
The Ninth Gate came out in 1999 (666 upside down), Rosemary’s baby was written in 1966, published in 1967 and made into a movie in 1968. The birth of the child was 6/6/1966 (666): Year 1, indicating a new order. An interesting thing to consider is that the child would enter into the 9th gate, gaining the light of Lucifer at age 33, which is the highest degree of the masonic order, which is based in Luciferian ideology as admitted by Grand Master Albert Pike’s book Morals and Dogma. It is also the number of vertebrae in the human spine, which the Kundalini serpent climbs and initiates illumination after reaching the 33rd column, the nearest to the brain. The Ninth Gate plays off this as well as (33) 3x3=9, the door to illumination. Numbers become very important to these people as well. Of course, there is no real power there. God alone is in control and sovereign. They might have their numerology, but it means nothing if God does not allow it. I only point it out to help you understand why these themes will fall on certain dates and specific numbers.
There is no evidence for what I'm about to say, meaning no admission by the director. It is my own theory and no one I have read so far has made this connection, but I believe it could also be that the Johnny Depp character IS Rosemary's Child, and this is why he was chosen over the other Satanists, and also why the old order was made irrelevant; because their purposes have been served (to bring the child into the world) and now the Child Ascends - the same age as Christ's crucifixion and ascension: 33. People get so focused on the numerology and symbolism they lose the context of his body of work and as a result are mystified and confused. Upon closer inspection, there are links that bring continuity to the two seemingly disparate works. ((On another note, The second book by Ira Levin, Son of Rosemary, the child was also 33 when he came into power; bringing in a one world government under the auspices of global environmentalism and solidarity - of course later betrayed and murdered by his father, the Devil)). Now, remove the image of Anti-Christ and Devil, see them as metaphor and work from my assumption that Corso is the audience, and that Rosemary's Baby and The Ninth Gate are connected, and you will see the story unfold in reality.
There was a rise in Witchcraft (Wicca) and Satanism in the 50's and 60's because they were popularized by the counter-culture movements; however, it should be clear now that the foundations were laid well in advance of its explosion. The fruit of their practice brought forth a 'Child', which started in its infancy as the New Age movement during the 70's and 80's, growing in numbers and strength. Through the 90's it evolved with the assistance of Tibetan Buddhism, (which is connected with Blavatsky and others as it was their major influence) and a vast majority now consider God as an impersonal 'Light', and that consciousness is evolving toward the light (illumination); hence the explosion of practices, such as Yoga, designed to expedite illumination - despite the misinformed mass, I'm here to tell you that Yoga IS a spiritual practice. This program was conceived and executed before the turn of the century, as evidence by the appearance and adoration of The Buddha in 1892 at the early Bohemian Grove - a consortium of incredibly powerful men who meet in order to shape society.
Let's take another look at Rosemary's Baby. The apartment building where it all took place and where the coven was originally based out of was inspired by the Alwyn Court apartments. The building that was used in the film was The Dakota apartments. Both of these buildings are bathed in occult imagery, such as Dragons and other creatures inspired from the Goetia (The Book of Howling) and the Dictionnaire Infernal, both of which were republished and re-popularized around 1890-1904 which also places it within the time frame of the construction of both buildings; commissioned undoubtedly by men of wealth and influence, who were also creating alternative fraternal organizations (Bohemian Grove) committed to influencing the direction of society. The seed is planted. Through various means, these philosophies and ideas are nurtured by powerful and wealthy individuals (particularly women), as captured by Hermann Hesse's Demian, a named derived from the word daemon and also used as the name of the Anti-Christ in the movie "The Omen". The seed is watered. We start to see these ideas disseminate through film and music. As a direct result there is a rise in occult practices or an embracing of Eastern Philosophy, the abandonment of Christianity and vitriol toward its core values.

The seed breaks through. Then through the 80's occult symbolism and ideology was embedded in the New Age and spread through corporate culture and media, as documented by the Aquarian Conspiracy; a book favorable of the trend, despite its title. The fruit of the seed. From the 80's on many have abandoned the practices and ceremonies of the New Age, but have embraced the pure philosophy of the New Age: God as a nameless/faceless source or energy, and our evolution toward a singularity where the distinction between Man and God is blurred. This trajectory is essentially what we see playing out in these films; the symbolism of the covens, the birth of the Anti-Christ (which simply means in place of Christ), then its maturation, the abandonment of traditions that birthed it for its real essence which is to merge with the 'Light'. And like Corso, we have been directed toward this end unwittingly by people and forces greater than ourselves.

Where Do You Stand?
So, are you a Satanist? Are you a Luciferian? Was Paul Erdős? Probably not. But, I think we are at the point in history where it doesn’t matter if you willing are or not. The line is being drawn and the day is here where the veil is being pulled back. I remember a time when no one knew anything about the occult, but because of the internet there is certainly no lack of information regarding these issues. The Darkness and Light are being clearly distinguished and it's up to you to make a choice. If you are reading this because you searched out information on the NWO and the Occult, I'm sure you are well versed in most things I have mentioned, if not more so than I. What concerns me is that there are not very many people who unmask occult knowledge that are willing to commit to the fact God is real and you need to make a choice. Scriptures warn us about this deception:
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2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. *Bloggers note: Read this scripture keeping in mind the position of Blavatsky in her writings on Lucifer. |
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Rob Bell, 'Love Wins.' |
Gal 1:6-9 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: (7) Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. (8) But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. (9) As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
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1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; |
Many emphasize 'Illumination' or 'Christ Consciousness' attained through your own efforts as the path to liberation. And though many demean Satanism and the billionaire Luciferians (as illustrated in the Ninth Gate) they will deny the existence of Jesus and claim it is an archetype for control to hide the secret that you are God. This is still the Luciferian ideology. They will deny the spiritual necessity of Christ and draw you away from the truth that he died for you while you were still his enemy, his adversary. He is the way, the truth and the Light. He is the child who was promised in the Garden of Eden that would strike the killing blow to the serpent. It is God who will lift you up, not yourself. Outside of Christ, you are on the Left Hand Path spiraling toward hell, which was created for Lucifer and his angels.
Mat 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
Mat 20:23 And he saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father.
There are many people who reveal the occult truths and also deny the truth about Jesus. If you haven't heard this, let me tell you: God Loves you so much that he died to bring you to him. Everything we are going through is allowed so he can gain you. God is not the Supreme Fascist Erdős believes he is, nor is he the God that has been misrepresented by men through the ages. He died so you can no longer doubt 'Who He Really Is', His true nature: Love. He will not lie to you, he will not abuse you. His burden is easy and his yolk is light. He asks you only to come to him, to know him, his arms stretched out to receive you and bring you into the true light. But he will not force you to come to him. To do so would be violence against your will. If you have never read the Bible and want to know who God is, please watch The Father's Love Letter. It is a message encoded in the Bible for you. Contemplate this deeply. You can accept his free gift of Life. Lucifer/Satan is a liar. He is bringing you to death. Accept Life, turn to God. He alone can give you a life that will never end, and life more abundantly.
ADD: (edit @ 16:45 PST 7.4.2011) As I read this post back to myself, I was wondering what God had to say on the issue of 333. I went to the Word of God, the Living word, and this came back to me as a reply:
Deu 33:3 Yea, he loved the people; all his saints are in thy hand: and they sat down at thy feet; every one shall receive of thy words.
It amazes me that his word is still able to speak to events today, shedding light on the darkness.
Peace and Blessings, always....
Bohemian Grove,
new world order,
paul erdos,
rosemary's baby,
the ninth gate
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