Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Tao of Pop-Culture


This is a real chat between co-workers discussing a situation at a real company. All names have been substituted with [Generic] words that describe their function. The chat transcript has been changed to resemble Plato's form of the dialogue, it's participants with names from Plato's 'Republic': The Cave

Glaucon: please back me up on my last
Socrates: ??
Glaucon: check your Email
Glaucon: [Management] is on his, 'how can [The Software] lose sales' kick
Socrates: oh, i already told him
Socrates: long story short, they brought you in because [The Customer] freaked out on me when i told him the file was gone
Socrates: [The $%#!@] wanted it 'escalated'
Socrates: they just wanted you to confirm my work because it was....'escalated'
Glaucon: ya but there are underlying issues with [The Software] and redundancies that needs to be addressed
Glaucon: and yes feeling the pain about being overworked now ... lol
Socrates: it's [The Company] man
Socrates: it's standard operating procedure
Socrates: hahah
Glaucon: ha
Socrates: they talk about the glory days of [The Company], the 'gilded age'
Socrates: but i remember when they had our feet under the fire every three months
Glaucon: omg all the time
Socrates: [The Company] has always been, and always will be kray-kray
Glaucon: I have told [Management] like 100x to call [Person who can help] to do an L1 training and if she wanted too much I would undercut it just to get these people trained to know what to ask
Socrates: nope
Socrates: it's much better to have a situation that's totally reactive
Glaucon: lol
Socrates: you remember the movie the fifth element
Glaucon: ya
Socrates: remember the speech with zorg, about destruction
Socrates: the order out of chaos
Socrates: it is the philosophy of the destroyer, the black hole that kills souls, sucking the light of life out of it
Socrates: this is the monster that orbits our reality, and why it will always and forever will be, kray-kray
Socrates: management and executives are people that somehow exist on it
Glaucon: lol
Socrates: they feed off it, because it rewards obedience
Socrates: like servants of the nothing, the destroyer from the never ending story
Socrates: they help it along, assist it
Socrates: even though they are in the process of being devoured by it. [The Office] by its nature is inherently violent; mentally and spiritually
Socrates: and won't change
Socrates: so no, there will be no training to make things easier. k? Mhhh, k!
Glaucon: lol ... and [Management] wonders why I keep saying no about moving out there no matter how enticing he makes it ... lol
Socrates: yeah, you're like rowdy rodney piper, and i'm the black guy, and we're the one's who can see
Socrates: 'weeee got one who can SseeeEE!'
Socrates: haha
Glaucon: lol
Socrates: run man, ruuuuuuuun!
Socrates: for you LIIIIIiiiiiffffFFFFFEEEEeeeEEE!!!!
Glaucon: is typing...
Glaucon: ok time to play WoW

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